About us…

Gail McArtor has been working with various art mediums, paper-crafting and designing art pieces for years. In 2014 she started working local Arts & Crafts shows in the Chicago area and has continued. She has drawn inspiration from steampunk art as well as fellow mixed media and paper-crafting artists. She uses, and carries in her store, her favorite art supplies from designers like Tim Holtz & Finnabair.

Recently, McArt Design brought in a few additional lines to the store offering handmade soy and timer candles. Plus there is an assortment of home decor items that pair perfectly with McArt Design one of a kind art pieces.

Finally, come see our booth at America’s Antique Mall in Algonquin, IL. There you’ll find items from McArt Design as well as, The Quiet Girl Shoppe handmade, small batch, luxurious bath products.

Thank you for visiting!

Steampunk Dictionary

coggler - cog-gler noun. A person who applies cogs or a cog design to make simple cosmetic changes to an object without fundamentally altering it or adding function. See also primocoggler

erzatz - uh-zats adj. A fake or replacement material. e.g. leatherette rather than leather and plastic rather than metal.

primocoggler - pree-moh-kog-gler noun. An artist who uses cogs and gear motifs to create acclaimed works of decorative art. (From coggler)

shellacker - shell-a-cur noun. A person who paints on object with the aim of making it appear more fitting to the steampunk world. From shellack - shell-ak verb. To paint (Usually in metallic colours)

alkaline illumination - al·ka·line adj. Alkaline in American English - of or like an alkali ; containing an alkali ; having the properties of an alkali. il·lu·mi·na·tionan noun. act or instance of illuminating; the fact or condition of being illuminated; a decoration of lights.

domicile decor - dom·i·cile noun. The country that a person treats as their permanent home, or lives in and has a substantial connection with. de·cor noun. The furnishing and decoration of a room.